Monday, May 5, 2008

Technology Standards Handout: Skills, Knowledge, and Dispositions

The Targeted Skills Set of the NJCCCS for Technology:

The NJCCCS focuses on building upon some of the basic technological skill sets so that the student will be able to apply the skills they possess towards solving problems in the real world. Some of these skills include, but are not limited to:
1. Keyboarding
2. Computer Literacy
3.. Information-Gathering
4. Information-Organizing
5. Problem Solving

The Knowledge Acquired Through the NJCCS for Technology:

The NJCCCS for technology exposes students to a wide range of knowledge that is critically important because it is cross curricular and also essential towards molding students into becoming functioning members of a complex society. One of the most important areas of knowledge that the standards introduces to the students is determining the credibility of sources of information. Here, students utilize their skills in analyzing and interpreting data in order to determine whether sources of information can be deemed credible or not. Furthermore, the NJCCCS also develops a knowledge and understanding in the area of plagiarism and looks to make students more aware of what plagiarism is, and how to effectively avoid it in their writing assignments and projects.

The Dispositions Fostered Through the Technology Standards:

The NJCCCS for technology fosters dispositions that seek to engage students in utilizing proper etiquette when using technology. The etiquette consists of recognizing some of the set values and beliefs that have been accepted by society when people interact with one another. The NJCCCS for technology recognize that these norms which include being respectful and courteous should also be practiced when people communicate via using technology as well. Furthermore, the NJCCCS stresses to students that they maintain a code of ethics and not violate any copyright laws through plagiarism, that they exercise proper judgment in selecting sources of information that are credible, and that they give credit to those whom they are obtaining information from.

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